Blazing-Fast Load Time
With full SSD storage, highly optimized servers, and state of the art NGINX caching, host websites at best-in-class speeds.
Instant Scaling
No need to move your hosting as your traffic grows. Ramp up your resources at the click of a button - instantly add RAM and CPU without a reboot.
Fully managed servers
Server management, patches and bug fixes are handled by our experts to ensure you can focus on building and running your website.

Quick Setup
You can use your Cloud Hosting package from the moment you have completed your purchase - no delays, no elaborate setups!
cPanel for Management
Just like Shared Hosting - manage your website and associated services like Email and sub-domains with the simplicity and ease of cPanel.
1-click Application installer
Choose between 100+ applications and CMSes to quickly start setting up your website.
Powerful SSD Storage
Build your business online with superior and durable SSD hosting servers, which enable faster load times for your website.
cPANEL for Management
Industry-leading cPanel pre-installed on top of a Shared Cloud web hosting architecture to ensure the product is easy to use.
Pre-Integrated Caching
Your page will load from the cloud hosting Server at lightning-fast speed due to optimal caching configuration!
Fully Managed
All server configuration, patching is managed by us. You just need to manage your website and content from cPanel.

Reliable Cloud Platform
We use multiple cloud providers like Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure to host your websites. Less worries, more choices and built for business websites.Your business websites.
On Demand Cloud Backups
Website backup's are essential for business websites. We backup all your website, database and emails on regular basis to prevent data loss. Everything runs automatically without worries.
Cloud Hosting Security
Keep your data protected from malware,SQL injections and other attacks. FastWebHost cloud hosting platform uses advanced network firewalls,intrusion detection systems (IDS).
Money Back Guarantee
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Lorem invidunt ea clita consetetur ea rebum sit accusam ipsum,.
$79.9 / month
7 cPanel Accounts
42 GB SSD Disk Space
600 GB Data Transfer
Unlimited Websites
Lorem invidunt ea clita consetetur ea rebum sit accusam ipsum,.
$96.9 / month
7 cPanel Accounts
55 GB SSD Disk Space
1000 GB Data Transfer
Unlimited Websites
Lorem invidunt ea clita consetetur ea rebum sit accusam ipsum,.
$125.5 / month
7 cPanel Accounts
110 GB SSD Disk Space
1500 GB Data Transfer
Unlimited Websites
Lorem invidunt ea clita consetetur ea rebum sit accusam ipsum,.
$150.5 / month
7 cPanel Accounts
250 GB SSD Disk Space
1800 GB Data Transfer
Unlimited Websites
Lorem invidunt ea clita consetetur ea rebum sit accusam ipsum,.
$179.9 / year
7 cPanel Accounts
42 GB SSD Disk Space
600 GB Data Transfer
Unlimited Websites
Lorem invidunt ea clita consetetur ea rebum sit accusam ipsum,.
$196.9 / year
7 cPanel Accounts
55 GB SSD Disk Space
1000 GB Data Transfer
Unlimited Websites
Lorem invidunt ea clita consetetur ea rebum sit accusam ipsum,.
$1125.5 / year
7 cPanel Accounts
110 GB SSD Disk Space
1500 GB Data Transfer
Unlimited Websites
Lorem invidunt ea clita consetetur ea rebum sit accusam ipsum,.
$1150.5 / year
7 cPanel Accounts
250 GB SSD Disk Space
1800 GB Data Transfer
Unlimited Websites
Website caching is a service that helps load your web pages faster, without having to overload the server during situations of high traffic. We use NGINX Plus caching to ensure that your visitors don't get any lag while loading your website.