
Welcome to our FAQ page, your go-to resource for answers to common queries and valuable information about our platform. Whether you're a newcomer or an experienced user, this section aims to address your most pressing questions and concerns.
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Navigate to the "Theme Settings" page, where you'll find options to choose a primary color and accent color. Select your desired colors and save the changes.

Yes, you can upload a custom logo. Visit the "Logo & Branding" section and use the upload feature to replace the default logo with your own.

The admin template provides both predefined themes and the option to create custom themes. Explore the "Theme Gallery" for pre-made themes or use the "Customize Theme" feature for a personalized look.

Yes, you can add custom CSS styles. In the "Advanced Settings," find the "Custom CSS" section and enter your styles. Ensure compatibility and avoid conflicting with existing styles.

To toggle dark mode, go to the "Appearance" settings. Find the "Dark Mode" option and switch it on or off based on your preference.

User roles define the level of access. Visit "User Roles" in the admin settings to manage roles and customize permissions for each role.

Yes, as an administrator, you can reset a user's password. Go to the "User Management" page, select the user, and choose the "Reset Password" option.

Yes, use the "Bulk Import" feature in the "User Management" section. Prepare a CSV file with user details and upload it for quick user creation.

Access the user's profile in the "User Management" area and navigate to the "Login History" tab to view a detailed log of their login activities.

Users can reset their passwords by clicking on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. An email with instructions for password reset will be sent to their registered email address.

Yes, you can schedule automatic exports. Explore the "Scheduled Exports" section to set up recurring exports and choose the data format and destination.

Most data tables in the admin template are exportable, including user data, reports, and custom datasets. Use the "Export" feature in the respective sections.

The export file size limit varies depending on the configuration. Check the "Export Settings" to view and adjust the size limits if necessary.

Yes, you can customize export formats. In the "Export Settings," find options to choose the file format (CSV, Excel, etc.) and configure additional formatting options.

Navigate to the "Reports" section and use the "Generate Summary Report" button. Once generated, click on the download link to get the summary report.

Yes, the admin template includes robust security features, including encryption, secure password hashing, and session management. Regularly update the system and use strong passwords for enhanced security.

Yes, two-factor authentication is available. Access the "Security Settings" to enable and configure 2FA for added account security.

In case of a security concern, immediately change your password and notify the system administrator. Check the "Security Logs" for any suspicious activities.

It's advisable to regularly check for updates and apply security patches. Aim to update the admin template whenever a new version is released to ensure the latest security measures are in place.

Yes, access restrictions can be set based on user roles. Utilize the "Role-based Access Control" (RBAC) settings to configure specific permissions for different user roles.

Visit the "Menu Settings" page, where you can easily drag and drop menu items to rearrange their order. Save the changes to update the navigation menu.

Yes, you can customize the dashboard layout. Use the "Dashboard Settings" to add or remove widgets, resize them, and arrange them according to your preferences.

Yes, you can set a default landing page. In the "User Settings" or "General Settings," find the option to specify the default page users will see upon login.

Configure email notification settings in the "Notification Center" or "Email Settings" section. Specify the events for which you want to receive notifications.

Yes, a search feature is available. Look for the search bar in the header or navigation menu. Enter keywords to quickly locate specific data, settings, or pages.

If you encounter loading issues, try clearing your browser cache or accessing the admin template in an incognito/private browsing window. If the problem persists, check the browser compatibility in the documentation.

Report bugs through the "Support" or "Feedback" section. Provide detailed information about the issue, including your browser version and steps to reproduce the problem.

Check the documentation for any known compatibility issues. Ensure you are using the latest browser versions, and report any issues to the support team.

If you forget your username, use the "Forgot Username" link on the login page. If login issues persist, contact your system administrator or support for assistance.

Visit the "Updates" section to check for the latest version. If updates are available, follow the prompts to apply patches. This can resolve known issues and enhance system stability.
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