Basic Alert
Live example
Default alerts
Links in alerts
Solid Colored Alerts
Outline Alerts
Solid Alerts With Different Shadows
Default Alerts With Different Shadows
A simple primary alert with small shadow—check it out!
A simple primary alert with normal shadow—check it out!
A simple primary alert with large shadow—check it out!
A simple secondary alert with small shadow—check it out!
A simple secondary alert with normal shadow—check it out!
A simple secondary alert with large shadow—check it out!
Rounded Solid Alerts
Rounded Outline Alerts
Rounded Default Alerts
Rounded Alerts With Custom Close Button
A simple rounded primary alert—check it out!
A simple rounded secondary alert—check it out!
A simple rounded warning alert—check it out!
A simple rounded danger alert—check it out!
Alerts with icons
Customized Alerts With SVG's
Rounded Solid Colored Alerts With Image
Rounded Outline Alerts With Image
Alerts With Images
Alerts With Different size Images

This alert is created to just show the related information.


This alert is created to just show the confirmation message.


This alert is created to just show the warning alert message.


This alert is created to just show the danger alert message.

Information Alert
Information alert to show to information
Secondary Alert
Success alert to show to success message
Warning Alert
This alert is created to just show the warning alert message.
Danger Alert
This alert is created to just show the danger alert message.
Information Alert
Information alert to show to information
Success Alert
Success alert to show to success message
Warning Alert
Warning alert to show to warning message
Danger Alert
Danger alert to show to danger message
Additional content
Alerts With Description
Alerts With Link on Right
Alerts With Actions
Alerts With List
Alerts With Dismissable
Alerts With Discovery
bordered Styles