Task Details

Task Information
Task ID : SPK - 456
Task Tags : Marketing Campaign
Project Name : New Product Launch Strategy
Assigned By :
Emily Watson
Progress :
Project Status : Inprogress
Project Priority : High
Start Date : 13, June 2024
End Date : 31, Dec 2024
Assigned To :
Simon Sasha Anagha Hishen
Last Updated Date : 18, June 2024 10:30
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Task Details
Task Title :
Develop New Website Features # created on 12 June, 2024
Task Description :

Enhance existing website features to improve user engagement and streamline user experience. Implement new functionalities to support business growth and adaptability.

Key tasks :
  • Review current website features and identify areas for improvement.
  • Brainstorm and develop ideas for new website functionalities.
  • Design wireframes and prototypes for new features.
  • Implement front-end and back-end development for new functionalities.
  • Perform comprehensive testing and debugging.
  • Launch and monitor performance of new website features.
Sub Tasks :
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  • Research latest web development trends.
  • Create technical specifications document.
  • Optimize website for mobile responsiveness.
Uploads :
  • Oliver

    Oliver shared a document with you. 14, June 2024 - 10:45

    "We've finalized the project specifications and the client has approved the initial designs. Moving forward with the development phase."

    Document 512.34KB

  • S

    You shared a post with 6 people, including Ava, Sophia, Mia, Lucas. 10, June 2024 - 14:23

    Post Image

    User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 4 People reacted
  • Liam

    Liam commented on your post. 12, June 2024 - 09:15

    "The updates to the project plan look great. I'll review the milestones and get back to you by end of day."

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