Order Details

Order No - #SPK-1023
Estimated delivery : 30,Nov 2022
Item Tracking No Price Quantity Total Price
Dial Size:44mm
Color:Metallic Black
SPK1218153635 $1,249 1 $1,249
Color:GreyIn Offer
SPK3789423789 $499 2 $998
Color:Orange32% Off
SPK1120324532 $799 1 $799
Total Items :
Sub Total :
Applied Coupon :
Delivery Fees :
Total Saved :
Total Price :
User Details

Json Taylor


Prime User
Delivery address :

Landmark : MIG-1-11

Street : Monroe Street

City : Georgetown

State : Washington,D.C

Country : USA

Zipcode : 200071

Send updates to :

Phone : (555)-0123-1210

Email : jsontaylor2134@gmail.com

Order Summary

Ordered Date 24,Nov 2022

Ordered Time : 11:47AM

Payment Interface : UPI

Order Tracking

Order placed successfully by Sansa Taylor

Nov 03, 2022, 15:36

Your order has been picked up by Smart Good Services

Nov 03, 2022, 15:36

Arrived USA SGS Warehouse

Nov 03, 2022, 15:36

picked up by SGS Agent and on the way to Hyderabad

Nov 03, 2022, 15:36

Arrived in Hyderabad and expected Delivery is Apr 16, 2022

Nov 03, 2022, 15:36

Your order is out for devlivery

Nov 03, 2022, 15:36 (expected)