List Group

Basic List Group
  • Profile
  • Settings
  • Newsletter
List Group With Icons
  • Newsletter
  • Downloads
  • Team Account
List With Icons Links
List With Button Icons Links
Flush List Group
  • Profile
  • Settings
  • Newsletter
  • Downloads
  • Team Account
List Group with Badges
List with No Gutters
  • Profile
  • Settings
  • Newsletter
  • Downloads
  • Team Account
Contextual classes
  • A simple default list group item
  • A simple primary list group item
  • A simple secondary list group item
  • A simple success list group item
  • A simple danger list group item
  • A simple warning list group item
  • A simple info list group item
  • A simple light list group item
  • A simple dark list group item
Contextual classes with hover styles
Solid Colored Lists
  • A simple default list group item
  • A simple primary list group item
  • A simple secondary list group item
  • A simple success list group item
  • A simple danger list group item
  • A simple warning list group item
  • A simple info list group item
  • A simple light list group item
  • A simple dark list group item
Custom content
Sub headings
  1. What Happened?
    Many experts have recently suggested may exist.
  2. It Was Amazing!
    His idea involved taking red.
  3. News Is A Great Weapon.
    News can influence in many ways.
  4. majority have suffered.
    If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything.
Numbered Lists
  1. Simply dummy text of the printing.
  2. There are many variations of passages.
  3. All the Lorem Ipsum generators.
  4. Written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory.
  5. Randomised words which don't look.
  6. Always free from repetition, injected humour.
List With Checkboxes
  • Accurate information at any given point.
  • Hearing the information and responding.
  • Setting up and customizing your own sales.
  • New Admin Launched.
  • To maximize profits and improve productivity.
  • To have a complete 360° overview of sales information, having.
List With Radios
List With badges
  • Grocies Available
  • Furniture Buy
  • Beauty 32
  • Books New
  • Toys Hot
  • Mobiles Sold Out
  • An item
  • A second item
  • A third item
  • An item
  • A second item
  • A third item
  • An item
  • A second item
  • A third item
  • An item
  • A second item
  • A third item
  • An item
  • A second item
  • A third item
  • An item
  • A second item
  • A third item