Order Details

Order : #52225
Order-Placement : 21st Nov 2022 at 5:20 PM
Billing Address

Sed rebum., RD. 12,NW, Dolor et., Gubergren

Shipping Address

Sed rebum., RD. 12,NW, Dolor et., Gubergren

Shipping Method

Free Delivery - Takes 4 to 5 working days to delivery

Payment Method
Image Description

card: Master Card

Card ending with: 1253

Product Details Tracking No Status Expected Delivery Price (Each) QNTY Total
Black Heals For Women

Brown Color

Size : M

#1218153635 Packed 30 Nov 2022 $999 1 $699
Sun Glasses

White Color


#1218153635 Shipped 30 Nov 2022 $699 2 $1,198
Leather Wallet For Grils

White Color

#1218153635 Out Of Delivery 30 Nov 2022 $150 5 $500
Dolor Rose Frangrance Perfume

Jasmine Fragrance

500 ML

#1218153635 Delivered 30 Nov 2022 $299 1 $199
Order Tracking

Order placed successfully by Sansa Taylor

Nov 03, 2022, 15:36

Your Order is ready to shipped from seller

Nov 11, 2022, 04:52

Your Order is ready to shipped from seller

Nov 11, 2022, 04:52

Your Order is ready to shipped from seller

Nov 11, 2022, 04:52
Payment Summary
Total Items 4
SubTotal $1100
Other Charges $200
Shipping Charges -0% (Free)
Coupon Discount -5%
Total $1500
Customer Details

Name : Json Taylor

Email : jsontaylor2135@gmail.com

Phone No : +121 45856956956

Orders: 15 Previous orders

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