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10 0.5%

Total Sales by Unit

$12,897 3.5%

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$8,889 5.5%
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  • Nile Robetz mentioned a jogh in post

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  • Always look on the bright side of life

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  • Peace on earth a wonderful width

    Wonderful earth gives a peace
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  • A brief history of creation

    Create your own history
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  • Always look on the bright side of life

    Look at the Life
    08:19 am
  • Nile Robetz mentioned a jogh in post

    Uploaded a new post
    11:17 am
  • The science of superstitions.

    Volume is a superstitions
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Order Status

Product Sales

Order no Product Ratings Customer Quantity Status Price Ordered date Actions
product A semi minimal chair
5.0 (90 Mem) Simon Cowall 1 Shipped $4320.29 25 Mar 2022
product Two type of watch sets
3.0 (50 Mem) Meisha Kerr 2 Cancelled $6745.99 25 Mar 2022
product Mony layer headphones
4.5 (65 Mem) Jessica 1 Under Process $1176.89 27 Feb 2022
product Sportive coloured shoes
2.5 (15 Mem) Jason Stathman 1 Pending $1867.29 2 Apr 2022
product Vayon black shades
3.5 (36 Mem) Khabib Hussain 1 Shipped $2439.99 8 Apr 2022